I just want to apologise for my site being down for the last four days. You may or may not have noticed that my blog had completely disappeared from the internet and been replaced with a 'coming soon' message! Basically I had a few technical issues which were caused by my sheer stupidity and complete lack of technical knowledge. In other words, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing!
Fortunately I seem to have fixed the problem and rescued my blog from an internet black hole but it means for now I'm back to my old blogspot url agirlcalledeleanor.blogspot.co.uk. It was touch and go for a while though, at one point I did seriously think I'd lost my entire blog. That would have been two years of blogging completely down the drain! Ugh I would have been devastated!
I am currently working on getting my new custom domain name back so please bear with me. It's safe to say however that I don't want to risk loosing my blog all over again so it may take a few days!
Meanwhile I'll continue to upload posts at agirlcalledeleanor.blogspot.co.uk.
Ellie x
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