Saturday, 29 June 2013

USA Road Trip - Day 6 Niagara Falls

Another few hours in the car today and we've finally made it to Niagara Fallls, woohoo! I still can't quite believe we are actually here, it's somewhere I never imagined I would be lucky enough to visit! We're staying on the US side of the falls (For those of you who don't know Niagara Falls is on the border between the USA and Canada) in a casino hotel about a 5-10 minute walk away, which is lucky because its so
incredibly hot here! It must be in the mid 30s!
The hotel we're staying in is unlike anything I've ever experienced before! For one thing people can smoke inside the building which I can't say I'm a fan of, especially as smoking in public places in the UK has been banned for quite some time. Besides from that the hotel is actually pretty cool, its huge and has literally everything you need inside it including 5 restaurants so there's no need to even leave the hotel!
The falls itself is just incredible, even more impressive than I imagined! We paid to go up on the observation deck for more of a front on view which made for some really great pictures. It was pretty windy though and there was a lot of spray from the falls which made it a little tricky to take pictures. Thankfully it provided some relief from the heat which we were all grateful for! We all felt it was definitely worth all those hours in the car to get here and to be able to say I've been to Niagara Falls is pretty darn cool!     

I'm including these posts as part of the 30 Day snap, If you want to know more about the 30 Day Snap Project click the button above.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

USA Road Trip - Day 5 On The Road Again

This is where I got bored and started taking pictures of the road.  
It's day 5 and we're on the road again, this time stopping over for the night in Syracuse, NY on our way to see Niagara Falls. I'm writing this in the car seeing as I've got a lot of time on my hands to sit and write. It's been pretty full on so far and I have to say I'm looking forward to the second half of our holiday which will be a little more relaxed. Don't get me wrong I'm having an amazing time and it's been so great catching up with our US friends. I feel like I've seen the real America, not the touristy parts (which are coming next). We've been staying in a pretty small town and at times I've felt really self conscious of my accent but everyone has been so friendly and welcoming that actually we haven't felt like outsiders at all. We'll be spending quite a lot of time in the car these next few days  and I thought I might get bored with all the driving we've been doing but there's so much to see which is new that makes it a bit different to a trip down the M3 back home!

I'm including these posts as part of the 30 Day snap, If you want to know more about the 30 Day Snap Project click the button above.

USA Road Trip - Days 3-4

Days 3 and 4 we've spent catching up with our friends who live here and exploring the local area. We made our way up to the nearby mountain (yep they live near an actual mountain!) which looked a little different to the last time we visited when it was covered in 6 feet of snow! It's more of a skiing mountain and the whole area really comes alive during the winter but it was great to see it in the warm sunshine. In fact we've been really lucky with the weather so far, it's been clear skies and 30 degrees celsius every day which is amazing considering it was -18C the last time we came out! There's tons of little independent shops in the area full of lovely things which Mum and I especially enjoyed wondering round. Below is a picture of the inn we've been staying in these past few days which is so beautiful and we've really enjoyed staying here. The house was built by a wealthy family who used it as their summer house. Imagine spending you're summers here, it makes me wonder what their actual house looked like!

I'm including these posts as part of the 30 Day snap, If you want to know more about the 30 Day Snap Project click the button above.


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

USA Road Trip - Day 2

It's our first full day here in the states and we've headed out of Boston and into the mountains of Vermont to visit family friends. It doesn't seem all that different to home, it's very green and the climate is the same, everything's just, well bigger. We've done a lot of travelling the last couple of days so it will be nice to spend a few days in one place before moving on to the next one. It also helps that we're staying in the most beautiful inn with the most amazing views, I'm a very happy bunny right now!


I'm including these posts as part of the 30 Day snap, If you want to know more about the 30 Day Snap Project click the button above.


USA Road Trip Day 1 - Flying High

As I write this I'm currently in Boston, Massachusetts. Woohoo! I'm writing yesterday's post today instead seeing as I spent most of yesterday travelling. I took this picture out of the plane window as we were coming in to land of the most amazing rainbow. Turns out we had just missed a huge storm which had stopped a couple of planes before us from landing so we had a lucky escape! Unfortunately my picture didn't turn out that great but you can just make out the rainbow above the wing. I'm sooo excited to be in the US of A! 

I'm also including this post as part of the 30 day snap, If you want to know more about the 30 Day Snap Project click the button above.


Friday, 14 June 2013

Summer French Manicure

I recently found a really easy technique for painting the tips of your nails if you want a salon style french manicure at home and I'm gonna share it with you lucky lot. Seeing as it's summer (I think) I decided to do a manicure with orange and pink instead which looks really cool. All you need is: two complimenting nail colours, nail clippers, scotch tape or stickers and a good top coat. You could do this with any colours or in the style of a classic french manicure.
First things first paint the base colour and make sure it's really dry before you start the next step. Using the nail clippers cut the end of the scotch tape/sticker so you have a rounded off shape. Rip this piece off and place the rounded end on the nail where you want the coloured tip. Paint the tip of the nail then gently peel off the tape from the bottom. This is why you want to be sure that the base colour is really dry so that it doesn't come off when you take off the tape. So there you go, a really easy way to neatly paint the tips of your nails.

Let me know if you try it out!

p.s. I'm now on twitter, follow me @agrlclldeleanor

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Summer Nail Colours

Summer has to be my favourite time make up wise because we finally get to come out of the dark and start wearing more colour. Everything and everyone becomes brighter and more cheerful and its reflected in the make up and clothes we wear. You'll hardly ever find me with unpainted nails, in fact my sister always notices when they're not painted and asks me what's wrong! These are the nail colours I'll be reaching for the most this summer and I have to say there's a real selection colour wise. The cooler pastel colours suit our cool English summer perfectly and the rich orange will look amazing with a tan on holiday.  
From L to R: Barry M Gelly Nail Paints in Prickly Pear and Blueberry, OPI Nail Lacquer in No Room For The Blues, Sinful Colours in Mint Apple.

From L to R: Sinful Colors in Island Coral, Ciate Paint Pots in Jelly Bean (no longer available) Sinful Colors in Big Daddy.
What are your favourite colours to wear in the summer? Let me know below!


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Most Wanted - Home Accessories

I'm currently in the process of giving my bedroom a bit of an update although it's on the back burner at the moment until I get back from my holidays. Here's a few things I found online that I would love to have in my room. Most of which is out of my budget, you definitely wouldn't catch me spending £90 on bedding!


Monday, 3 June 2013

Road Trip Essentials

I'm off on holiday in a couple of weeks on a road trip along the east coast of the USA and I CAN'T WAIT! I've made a list of my holiday essentials including some items I own as well as a few things I'm hoping to buy before hand. We'll be doing quite a lot of travelling and hotel hopping so I'll be packing for comfort as well as style which I always find difficult so I've put quite a lot of thought into what I'm going to take.


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