Wednesday, 9 April 2014

A Few Recent Buys In April

Levi Cut Offs Vintage £15 - Sunglasses Vintage £5 - White Shirt Primark £8 - Pink Shirt Primark £8 - Black and White Shirt Primark £10 - Plaid Dress New Look £22.99 

I love shopping at this time of year, summer clothes are starting to be put out on the rails which makes me really excited for blue skies and sunshine. Plus, with my holiday just over two months away I think that gives me the excuse to go out and top up my wardrobe, not that I need an excuse of course! 

My Sister and I went to a Lou Lou's Vintage Fair being held in Reading at the beginning of the month and were so impressed with what was on offer. They run vintage fairs across the whole of the UK so if ever there is one near you it's definitely worth a visit. A huge range of clothes was on offer and most of the stall holders seemed to also be selling on Asos Market Place or they had their own websites but stupid me forgot to note down any details! So anyway I'm sure you're interested in what I got, well two things I really wanted actually, a pair of vintage Levi cut offs and some cat eye sunglasses. I know for a fact the sunglasses aren't vintage but I only paid five pounds for them so I think that's fair. I'm pretty sure the shorts are vintage but again I'm not too bothered if they aren't. I paid £15 for them which is a brilliant price compared to the £40 Urban Outfitters charges for the same thing. They do have a  hole in along the er 'crotch' area where the seam has come apart but it's easily fixable and I like to think I'm pretty handle with a needle and thread.

We went on another shopping trip (oops!) last weekend to Guildford which is my favourite place to shop at the moment. It has a really good range of stores that most other towns don't have including a huge Urban Outfitters, Liz Earle and Anthropologie, what more could a girl need?! Our first stop was Primark where I picked up two gorgeous short sleeve shirts in white and pale pink, a geometric print black and white shirt (not pictured, I couldn't find it!), a chiffon white shirt with black sleeves and a geometric black and gold necklace. I was really happy with my haul from Primark, I don't tend to shop in there very often but their stock seems to have improved recently. My favourite buy however was this amazing pink plaid dress from New Look, I've already done a post on it which you can take a look at here. It's really not something I ever thought I'd wear but I tried it on and loved it, I can't wait to wear it more in the spring sunshine.

Lou Lou's Vintage Fair


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