Friday, 5 June 2015

Blog Makeover & Exciting Changes Ahead!

As I'm sure you've already noticed, A Girl Called Eleanor has had a serious makeover! It was much needed if I'm honest, the last blog design I had I created myself which meant it lacked quite a few professional finishes especially compared to other blogs. But now look at it, all shiny and new and it even has a fancy post slider at the top! Eeeep! It isn't quite finished however, I'm hoping to get a custom header designed in the next few weeks to make it a little more me but so far I'm really happy with how it's turned out!

The blog makeover is just one of many exciting changes I have planned for the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled for lots more great stuff! As well as this, I will be upping my commitment towards the blog with far more regular posts and hopefully an increase in the quality of content too!

I really hope you guys love the new design as much as I do! Like I said, it will be getting tweaked over the coming weeks to make it more personal, it's all very exciting! If you have any ideas as to what sort of content you'd like to see more of then please let me know below! Maybe there are some posts which you've particularly liked and want me to do again? I'm always up for trying new ideas, I've got a few up my sleeve already!

Ellie x

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