Tuesday, 24 December 2013

My Home At Christmas

It's the 24th of December (can you believe it!) which means most of us are either braving the shops for last minute gifts or relaxing at home thinking about what Christmas will bring. To all those of you who are working on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, I hope you have an extra special Christmas whenever it may be!
Now I have a confession to make, we put our Christmas tree up on the 30th of November which means our tree has been up for nearly a whole month already! I really hope that isn't some kind of bad luck but it seems like a lot of people I know put theirs up towards the end of November as well so I think we're safe! It's starting to look a little worse for wear so I'm really hoping it holds out until the new year. As always we bought a real tree this year although we decided to go for something a little smaller than doesn't block out all the light coming in through the bay window. Gold, white and silver was chosen as the colour scheme which I think looks really elegant and very christmas-sy

I decided to give my room a little Christmas makeover too so out came the lights, the tinsel and the mini tree with matching mini ornaments. The pictures aren't great quality but you get the idea!
This Christmas as with every year I will be spending it at home with my family. It's quite a quiet affair in our house, my family lives all over the world so it's not really plausible to get them all together at Christmas but what we do is just as special and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I always wake up way too early on Christmas morning although these days I can just about manage to stay in bed until everyone else is ready to get up. Chocolate is a traditional breakfast for me followed by opening of presents! I really don't know how people manage to wait to open their presents, I'm just too impatient! The rest of the day will be filled with food, fun, winter walks and Christmas TV not necessarily in that order. Any one else extra excited for Doctor Who!?

What are your plans for Christmas day? I'd love to hear how everyone else celebrates!



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