Wednesday, 12 March 2014

25 Things To Do Before Turning 25

I've had a sudden urge this year to really get life moving along in the direction I want it to. It's about time really as I'll be 21 this year which, if I live by this list, gives me four more years to get back on track. That seems like a lot but the last four years flew by for me without anything spectacular happening. I guess I've just realised now that if your want good things to happen to you, you have to make them happen, I can't keep sitting at home wondering why everyone else's lives are better than mine. I think it was complacency mixed with a fear of having to grow up that was getting in the way but do you know what, I get the feeling now that life is just starting to get good. 
  1. Learn to drive.
  2. Start a blog. 
  3. Move out of my parents house.
  4. Figure out my career route.
  5. Get full time job in said career.
  6. Go on a spontaneous holiday.
  7. Expand my social circle.
  8. Fall in love.
  9. Go to a music festival.
  10. Go to a gig.
  11. Start saving a little.
  12. Let go of the past.
  13. Have a good conversation with a stranger.
  14. Eat less junk food. 
  15. Buy myself something expensive.
  16. Stop comparing myself to others.
  17. Go to the theatre more often.
  18. Live in a city.
  19. Take a road trip with friends
  20. Win something, big or small.
  21. Be irresponsible. Live a little.
  22. Party all night.
  23. Become less of a 'homebody'.
  24. Volunteer. 
  25. Have more confidence in myself.

I'd love to hear your dreams and plans for the future so make sure to let me know below!


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