Thursday, 22 May 2014

Wishlist - Summer Capsule Wardrobe

All the glorious sunshine we've had in the UK recently has made me realise just how under prepared my wardrobe is for this time of the year. It's all autumnal colours, long sleeves and jumpers, none of which is exactly suitable for the summer months. In fact, it makes me wonder what I even wore last summer, knowing me I probably just lived in my denim cutoffs.

So, what with me going on holiday in just over a months time (eek!), I've set myself the challenge of putting together a capsule wardrobe to compliment what clothes I already have. My personal favourites include the high waisted H&M bikini bottoms that I could totally mix and match with different coloured bikini tops, the stunning Miss Selfridge Floral playsuit perfect for glamming up for evenings out as well as the white sandals from Forever 21 because lets face it, white goes with everything. Only problem now is finding the money to buy it all... any chance I could borrow a fiver? 

What do you guys think of what I've picked? Let me know below!


Monday, 12 May 2014

I Don't Like Mondays

So you may have seen my previous post on Saturday where I mentioned just a few of the things that never fail to put a smile on my face, well now it's Monday, eurgh! Back to school, back to work, whatever it means for you, Mondays SUCK! However, there are a few more things that annoy me even more than Mondays: 

image source - we heart it
The fact that 3 day weekends don't exist.

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The days when I worry about EVERYTHING.

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People with no common sense.

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Waking up early.

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When an amazing book ends.

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It not being acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast.

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When my cat bites me. Then lets me pet him. Then bites me again. I fall for it every time. 

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Charging my phone overnight then realising it wasn't plugged in.

Do you know what though, those things don't really make me sad because a, I pretty much have everything I could ever ask for including amazing friends and family, b, I live in a free country and c, pictures like this exist...

image source - we heart it


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Things That Make Me Smile

I was in one of those moods yesterday, you know the one where you feel a bit down but don't really know why. Basically I was just being a mardy bum but it's ok, I'm feeling back to my normal chirpy self today. However, as a little insurance for the next time it happens I've decided to write this post which'll hopefully give my future mardy self a big kick up the butt! So without further ado, here's a few things that make me smile: 

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Walking in the rain (yes really!)

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Getting lost in a good book

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Any Audrey Hepburn film

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Blossom in the Spring

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Mmmm doughnuts

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Mmmm Zac Efron

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The weekend!

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My Sister and her disgusting sense of humour

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 A smile from a stranger

So now it's your turn, what makes you smile?


Friday, 2 May 2014

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Liquid Lipstick - 'Ole Flamingo!' Review

Having heard lots of good things about the new Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks from Bourjois, I was really eager to get my hands on them so I took a little trip to boots this week to give them a try. So first things first, the colour range is pretty limited, 6 colours in total, a mix of pinks and reds and all very vivid and real statement colours. After swatching all six I went with 'Ole Flamingo!' (Please tell me I'm not the only one who has to say that in a Spanish accent!), a beautiful cerise pink that I just couldn't resist because a, I'm a sucker for bright pink and b, I thought it matched the colour I mixed up in my post from a few days ago (see here). 

First impressions, I love the cute packaging and yes I know it's not really anything special but I just really like that the lids match the colour of the lipstick, I'm easily pleased! Once opened I have to say I was surprised at just how much like a lip gloss it looks but once on the lips it's an altogether different story. It dries VERY quickly in to a matte stain which means you really have to be neat with your application. Mistakes are quite difficult to rectify without staining all round your mouth and subsequently looking like someone who shouldn't be aloud anywhere near lipstick.

It is however incredibly long lasting, it really does live up to it's boast of 24 hour hold as my hand swatches can testify! It's very lightweight to the point where I actually forgot I was wearing it and got a little shock when I looked in the mirror. The colour fades only slightly so a little top up is needed every so often to keep the colour looking as intense but you could just as easily not bother and be good for the whole day. 
I do have one slight niggle though, the velvet finish took me a little while to get used. If I'm honest I was tempted to put a clear gloss on over the top to make the colour look less 'flat' but I stuck with it and after a while it grew on me. Plus, unlike some other matte lipsticks it was very forgiving on the lips and didn't show up any dry areas which is something that has put me off matte lipsticks in the past.

I can really see these being a big hit for the upcoming music festival season, I love that they look great with barely any makeup, just gorgeous vivid lips that still look as if you've made a ton of effort. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up a few more of these in the future, here's hoping they expand the colour range to more neutral tones too.

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Liquid Lipstick - £8.99

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