Wednesday, 18 June 2014

OOTD - A Girl In Berlin

// T Shirt - MANGO £17.99 // Shorts - VINTAGE // Bag - Primark £6.00 // Sandals - NEW LOOK £15.99 // Sunglasses - VINTAGE //

I finally managed to do an outfit post, round of applause for me I think! I don't do them very often which is a shame because they're my favourite kind of post to do but they're also probably the trickiest. Unfortunately I don't have an ace photographer on hand to take pictures for me (I wish!) so I either try and persuade my sister to take them or I do it myself. Cue me running back and forth from the camera and trying to pose naturally in 10 seconds flat! Anyway enough excuses, from now I'm going to try and do an outfit post at least once a week, I promise!

This outfit is pretty much typical of what I'll be wearing this summer. Lets face it, you can't go wrong with a pair of denim cut offs and a cropped t like this one I picked up from Mango at the weekend. Mango's not normally a place I shop in as I tend to think it's aimed at an older market, but they had some really cute things so I guess I'll have to start taking a look in there more often!

What will you guys be wearing most now that summer is here? Let me know below!


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