Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Sunday Night Chatter #3

Well what can I say about this week, it's been pretty good actually and I'm hoping it's the beginning of better things to come. I've overcome a few obstacles which have previously defeated me so I'm quite proud of myself this week.

I mentioned in last weeks post that I had my driving theory test this week and I promised I would let you know how I got on. Well... I passed! I was so happy as I tend to get really nervous doing exams so I don't always do my best but somehow I managed to stay really calm and it wasn't too bad. It just means now that there's nothing in the way of me doing my driving test which is both exciting and terrifying all at the same time! I just need to hurry up and pass now, I can't wait to be able to drive myself around!     

Unfortunately my driving lessons have come to a halt whilst I search for a new driving instructor. I won't go into detail right now but I'm thinking of writing a post on my experience of learning to drive if it might be useful to anyone else.

My Mum and Dad were away for a long weekend in Italy as well this so my sister came to stay to keep me company and we had such a great weekend. She moved out a few months ago and I've really missed not seeing her everyday so It was really lovely to spend some time together with just the two of us. On Friday we had a nigh out on the town and it was really great to get dressed up and have some fun even if the nightlife in our local town isn't exactly buzzing. Saturday was really chilled, we did a bit of shopping and then had some dinner at Zizzis which has to be my favourite restaurant at the moment, I just can't resist Italian food! Afterwards we went to the cinema to see About Time which we both really enjoyed, I'd definitely recommend going to see it if you love a good rom com. Sunday we treated ourselves to a McDonalds and then had a duvet night in front of the TV watching rubbish but I wouldn't have had it any other way to cap off a really great week.   

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