Sunday, 1 September 2013

Sunday Night Chatter #1

This post will be the first in a series of Sunday night catch ups, basically what will be a review of my week and what has been. I'll probably end up sharing more than I should but they're generally my favourite kind of posts on other people's blogs and hey, who doesn't enjoy being nosey once in a while!
So lets starts with this week, well it's been a pretty exciting one for me actually. I had my first driving lesson at the end of the week and the nerves had been steadily building but when it came to it I was actually more excited than nervous. I know most people get nervous about their first lesson but it was a pretty big deal for me and I'm really pleased with myself for having taken this big step in my life. It went really well and I'm more than ready for my next lesson. It's exciting stuff people!

 In other news OxJam 2013 happened on Saturday and what a day/endurance test it was! (If you have no idea what Oxjam is click here.) The sun was shining and not a cloud was in sight. Add to that a pretty incredible atmosphere, everyone was smiling and just enjoying some really great local music, and you have the perfect recipe for a successful music festival. I'm so proud of my sister for having organised the whole thing, not only did the day go off without a hitch but she raised a ton of money for Oxfam and everyone had a whale of a time. Well done Big Sis, you really nailed it! 

We also celebrated a birthday in the family this week, my Mum's, and we all enjoyed a yummy lunch at a lovely pub on the River Thames. Yes we were dive bombed by wasps throughout the afternoon which made everyone enjoy it slightly less but we all got away sting free and the sun was shining so no one complained. Well, maybe I did a little bit but I absolutely HATE wasps! Happy Birthday Mum!

 Of course we've seen the beginning of September this weekend and I'm really looking forward to a month of being proactive and positive. Fingers crossed next week will be just as good as this one. 

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