Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sunday Night Chatter #4


I've neglected my blog a little bit this week, I just haven't been in a blogging mood. You know when you have one of those weeks where nothing gets done. Yeah well I've had one of thoseHowever, the cloud has finally lifted and I have lots of new ideas for posts planned in the coming weeks including a new series which I haven't seen before on any other blog so I'm really excited to get started on it. 

Besides that there is not really much to mention about this week, my dog Freddie is feeling miles better and there's no trace of an abscess which is a real relief for all of us. I'm pretty sure though that he's now got more energy than before, he's been pretty cheeky this week! 

The week ended well today as I got a glimpse of the highlife during a trip to the Southampton Boat Show. We mainly wanted to have a look around the multi million dollar yachts which more than lived up to our expectations, they were incredible! We didn't however get to have a look around the biggest yachts as there was huge queues of people waiting to have a look. Maybe this was for the better, it somehow seemed a little undignified seeing people queue up for a glimpse of something they would never be able to afford but we can all dream! Now I just need to find that rich husband...

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