Sunday, 8 September 2013

Sunday Night Chatter #2

This week's been an interesting one to say the least, some of it good and some of it not so good. There's been vet appointments, birthdays and exam revision. So yeah, good and bad.
About a week and a half ago I noticed my dog Freddie had a small lump on his neck that appeared overnight so we booked a vets appointment to get it checked out. Unfortunately they couldn't work out what it was and by the end of the weekend it had grown to the size of a golf ball. I knew there was no reason to be too worried because Freddie was still really well in himself, he still had the same energy and he hadn't stopped eating but obviously it was quite alarming that it suddenly appeared overnight. This week we've been going back and forth to the vets and are still none the wiser to the cause of what we found out is an abscess. Thankfully these last few days it's decreased in size significantly, he's on antibiotics and all sorts of tests have been done so hopefully this week we might get some answers. I'm just trying not to worry about it too much but it's so difficult when pets are ill and they cant tell you what's wrong. Poor Fred :(
On a happier note I celebrated one of my closest friend's 21st birthday this week. I only turned 20 about two months ago so it's mad to think that she is already 21! Those of you born during the summer months will know what I mean! It was such a great night and it was really nice to celebrate with all my friends before they go back to university next week.  
I also had another driving lesson this week and it's going really well. I love driving so much and I can't wait until I've passed my test! My driving theory test is next week so I've been cramming in as much revision as possible. It's funny cause as much as I say to myself 'don't leave it to the last minute' I always do! When will I learn! Anyway I'll let you all know how I get on be it good or bad, wish me luck!

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