I have a confession to make, I've never actually tried the original Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balms. I remember when they first came out they were hugely popular amongst beauty bloggers but I just never got round to trying them. I'm more a lipstick kind of girl and not really interested in balms. When I saw the new Maybelline Baby Lips Balm & Blush in my local Boots however, I immediately wanted to try them. I'll admit I was mostly drawn to the odd shaped, brightly coloured packaging, but also I genuinely quite liked the idea of a 2 in 1 balm and blush product.

There were four shades available but I decided on buying the two shades I'm most likely to use, 05 Booming Ruby and 01 Innocent Peach. Booming Ruby is a bright red balm and Innocent Peach a bright pink. Before I'd opened them I was imagining a product similar to Benfit's Benetint because of the shape of the packaging. However I was surprised to see it's actually a round shaped, solid balm not dissimilar to the EOS Lip Balms.
In the swatch below Innocent Peach is on the left and Booming Ruby on the right. Innocent Peach applied as a very sheer pale pink on the skin and was much the same colour on my lips too. Booming Ruby came out as a darker pink which surprised me, I thought it would be a lot more red toned considering how much of a vivid red the balm is. When applied to my lips it matched my natural colour, a slightly darker pink shade.
Booming Ruby on the left, Innocent Peach on the right.
The colour of both are really sheer so I had to build it up quite a bit on my cheeks. As it's a solid balm which sort of melts into your skin, it ended up looking pretty shiny. I have quite oily skin anyway so my face is shiny enough as it is! It worked a little better when I applied it on my lips, but generally it just left me a bit, meh! Innocent Peach whilst being a nice colour, really showed up all the dry bits on my lips which wasn't particularly flattering. Booming Ruby worked out better, as I said before it basically matched the colour of my lips but didn't at least show up the dry bits!
At the end of the day though it's pretty much the same as any other tinted balm and in my honest opinion, not even worth the £4.99 price tag. Or the label as a blush! It seems like they've just repackaged the original Baby Lips Balms to make them look a bit more interesting. I'll probably keep using Booming Ruby on my lips for a natural bit of colour but unfortunately I couldn't make Innocent Peach work for me.
If you're a fan of the original Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balms and want to try the Maybelline Baby Lips Balm & Blush for yourself then they are available here currently retailing for £4.99.
Ellie x
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