It's safe to say 2015 wasn't my year. There's wasn't one specific thing about it that was particularly bad, in fact there were plenty of really great moments. It was just a bit of a non-event if that makes sense, nothing particularly exciting happened. There were no moments were I felt especially proud of myself, nothing for my Mum to boast about on facebook anyway! Oh boy this is a real downer isn't it! I guess in all honesty I'm just frustrated. I'm frustrated because I know that I could be in a much happier position in life and the only thing that's holding me back is me. Hopefully by the end of 2016 I will have had one big achievement to be proud of, whatever it may be.
"Saying No"
I'm sure I'll sound like the typical 'on the bandwagon' blogger here but I have issues with chronic anxiety and have had for a long time. All I'll say is I think it's great that mental health is spoken about much more openly now, I do however worry that some people are misinterpreting the difference between feeling anxious and chronic anxiety disorders. But anyway that's a subject for another time! Seven years ago I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and slight agoraphobia. It's something I deal with day to day and while it's effects are invisible to most, it's still the one thing that's holding me back from leading the life I want to lead. Fortunately I started to see a shift in 2015 where I was able to do things I haven't been able to for years. I really feel like this is a change that has continued with me into 2016 and I feel excited for all the things I will no longer be saying no to!

I've not set myself any resolutions for 2016, purely because I'd have a list as long as my arm of things I hope to achieve! I don't have any sort of fixed focus of where I want to be in the future either. I'm hoping this will be the year when I start figuring all that out. As corny as it sounds though, I felt differently about moving into this new year than I did the last. In a good way. Things seems more possible now than they have for a long time, I'm positive that this stale mate I've been in for a while will finally become unstuck.

"My Blog"
I'm excited about what the future holds for me and my blog. I've got big plans for Beauty Dressed this year which involve posting a lot more regularly, improving my photography and writing and being more prominent on social media. I hope you've noticed a difference already in the quality of my recent blog posts! I feel really proud of the last few posts I've put up and I will do my utmost to make sure it continues. Get ready to see a new organised version of me this year, in all parts of my life!
I hope you all have a fantastic 2016, I've got a good feeling about this one!
Ellie x
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