Friday, 30 January 2015

Trends - Seventies Style

The seventies have come back in a big way these past few months, we've seen the trend not only in fashion but in home decor, hair and beauty trends etc. I have to admit initially I really wasn't on board with it, tie dye, spandex and fringed EVERYTHING, yeah I'm definitely not a fan of any of those things. But, after seeing what the shops have in store for us I've quickly changed my mind. Thankfully they've come out with more of a modern take, seventies inspired with muted tones and in slightly more flattering cuts making it easier to wear. 

// Brown Suede Ankle Boot - Dorothy Perkins // Metallic Leather Bag - Olive Bonas // Camel Shirt Dress - New Look // Van Halen T Shirt - Topshop // Denim Flared Jeans - Dorothy Perkins // Flare Platform Block Heel - Office // Cream Smock Top - Topshop // Pineapple Jewellery Stand - Oliver Bonas // Pleated Front Shorts - New Look //

I'd love to give the look a try but I'm not normally one for fads, I'm just not sure I would be interested in wearing denim flares this time next year and generally I don't like wasting my money on things I know I'm only going to wear a few times. Now that I think about it, didn't flares have a bit of a resurgence in popularity in the early noughties? I'm pretty sure I had a pair when I was seven or eight! Everything else in the list though, yeah I definitely think I'd buy/wear it. Especially the dreamy, burgundy platform boots!

What do you guys think, will you be trying out the seventies look? Let me know below!

Ellie x


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