Thursday, 10 December 2015

Christmas Countdown - Look Fantastic Advent Calendar - Day 10

Day 10's treat in the Look Fantastic Advent Calendar was a Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil in a gorgeous, rich red shade not too disimilar to Mac's Ruby Woo. I can't figure out what the name of the shade is however, I can't find a similar colour online. The only clue I'm going with is that it has the word 'Satan' on it! Surely no one would name a lipstick Satan, I'm thinking it might be a typo and was meant to say Satin, as in satin finish!

The pencil glides on your lips beautifully, it may just be my new favourite red lipstick! The colour looks a little washed out in the picture above due to me use a soft box light, but it is very vibrant in real life and I love it! The finish is perfect for me too, it's matte but the texture is so creamy that it doesn't really highlight cracks in your lips like others do. I'm not sure if I'd really use it on my cheeks however, I rubbed in a little bit onto my hand and it was way too red for me to use. My cheeks are red enough as it is, could be good for darker skin tones however.

Have you got the Look Fantastic Advent Calendar this year? What do you think of the products so far?

Ellie x

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