Shirt - H&M
Skirt - Urban Outfitters
Boots - Kurt Geiger (still on the website)
Bag - Accessorize
Necklace - Primark
Wowee I was so nervous about pressing publish on this post, I was so afraid I would look like a complete idiot but it's done and now live on the internet, eep! So here you go, my very first ootd post.
I went to see my sister at the weekend and she ever so kindly offered to be photographer for me so off we went having no clue what so ever what we were doing but we had fun. I laughed a lot, mainly in an embarrassed 'I'm posing in front of dog walkers' kind of way and together I think we did alright! Oh and in case you didn't already get just how embarrassed I was, here's a gif to illustrate, enjoy.

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